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sick of it

"sick of it"的翻译和解释


  • I " m sick of it
  • I ' m sick of it
  • I m sick of it
  • B : you big jerk ! something always comes up at the last minute . i ' m sick of it
    (你这个混蛋!你总是在紧要关头有事情要处理,我真烦透了。 )
  • And then she d say : that was lovely ! gradually i got sick of it : and she got worse
  • I get sick of it when , if there ' s a bad result , everyone is talking about where i ' ve played
    我讨厌当我们成绩不好的时候,每一个人总是在谈论我的位置问题。 ”
  • Oh , dont talk to me about my regiment , answered pierre , kissing his hostesss hand , and sitting down beside her . i am so heartily sick of it
    “唉呀,可别提我的兵团了, ”皮埃尔边回答,边吻着女主人的手,在她身旁坐下。
  • It has sometimes happened to me that when everythings all right , and every ones cheerful , it suddenly strikes one that ones sick of it all , and all must die
    他说, “我常有这种情形,一切都很称心,大家十分高兴,可是我忽然想到,一切令人厌烦,大家要去见阎王了。
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